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Part of Speech: noun

Definition: crowd of people

Synonyms: aggregation, assemblage, assembly, association, band, body, circle, clan, clique, club, collection, community, concourse, congregation, convention, corps, cortege, coterie, crew, ensemble, gang*, gathering, group, horde, jungle*, league, mob*, muster, order, outfit, pack, party, retinue, ring, ruck, set, team, throng, troop, troupe, turnout, zoo

Main Entry: company

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: business concern

Synonyms: association, business, concern, corporation, enterprise, establishment, firm, house, megacorp, multinational, outfit, partnership, syndicate

Main Entry: company

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: social friend, guest

Synonyms: boarder, caller, companionship, cortege, party, presence, retinue, society, visitor

Main Entry: agency

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: organization, often business-related

Synonyms: bureau, company, department, firm, office

Main Entry: army

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: military force, usually for land

Synonyms: armed force, artillery, battalion, battery, brigade, cavalry, column, command, company, corps, detail, division, flight, formation, infantry, legion, outfit, patrol unit, platoon, regiment, soldiers, soldiery, squad, troops, wing

Main Entry: army

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: group resembling military force

Synonyms: array, cloud, company, crowd, division, flock, horde, host, legion, mob, multitude, outfit, pack, regiment, scores, swarm, throng, unit

Main Entry: assemblage

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: gathering of people

Synonyms: aggregation, assembly, association, collection, company, congregation, convergence, crowd, group, throng

Main Entry: assembly

Part of Speech: noun

Synonyms: accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, association, band, body, bunch, clambake, cluster, coffee klatch, collection, company, conclave, confab, conference, convocation, council, crew, crowd, faction, flock, gathering, get-together, group, huddle, mass, meet*, meeting, multitude, rally, sit-in, throng, turnout

Main Entry: association

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: group with common interest or pursuit

Synonyms: affiliation, alliance, band, bunch, circle, clan, clique, club, coalition, combination, combo, company, confederacy, confederation, congress, cooperative, corporation, crew, crowd, family, federation, fellowship, fraternity, gang, guild, hookup, league, mob, order, organization, outfit, partnership, pool, rat pack, ring, society, sodality, sorority, syndicate, tie-in, tie-up, tribe, troops, troupe, union, zoo

Main Entry: attendance

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: people present at event

Synonyms: assemblage, assembly, audience, box office, company, congregation, crowd, draw, gate, gathering, gross, house, observers, onlookers, patrons, public, spectators, turnout, witnesses

company 1150, from O.Fr. compaignie "body of soldiers," from L.L. companio (see companion). Meaning "subdivision of an infantry regiment" is from 1590. Sense of "business association" first recorded 1553, having earlier been used in reference to trade guilds (c.1300). Abbreviation co. dates from 1759.

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